We are located in Middle Tennessee


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    Please feel free to reach out to us if there is something we can help you with.

    You can use the form to the left to send us a quick email, call us directly or use our ticketed support desk for product questions, sales inquiries, after order support or technical assistance.

    In the meantime, the following links may be helpful….

    We are located in and ship from Middle Tennessee, USA.

    Our hours fluctuate considerably during peak shopping seasons, but otherwise we are available from 10am – 2pm CST, Monday through Saturday.

    We ship daily Monday through Friday, and Saturday during the Christmas shopping season.

    Our in-house time is generally same or next day, depending on the time that your order is received, though during peak shopping seasons our in-house time may be up to three business days. If your order is time sensitive please note this in the “additional comments” field of your order. We will do what we can to expedite your order in-house.

    Phone: Our phone number

    Business – Corporate discounts are available!